NO PARKING: Parking is prohibited at all times on some streets in Winchester. These streets are clearly marked with NO PARKING SIGNS.
24-HOUR PARKING: The City of Winchester also has an ordinance which prohibits parking for an uniterrupted period of time longer than 24 hours on any street within the city limits.
COMMERCIAL TRUCKS OR TRAILERS: These vehicles may not be parked for a period of more than one hour on any street in the residential area when not in the process of loading or unloading. PODS (temporary storage units) may be placed either in the driveway or in an approved paved parking area, not in any public right-of-way. At the discretion of the Code Enforcement Official, the unit may be placed in an alternative location, provided that the alternative location does not create an unsafe condition. No "POD" may be placed on or at a property without obtaining a permit (no fee). Applications for the permit may be obtained at City Hall.
SNOW PARKING: Parking is prohibited on one side of many streets in the City of Winchester during Snow Emergencies. A Snow Emergency automatically goes into effect on any part of the designated streets where parking is prohibited between the hours of 6AM and 11PM of any day, when there has been an accumulation of snow and/or ice of two inches or more. Parking regulations are as follows:
No parking:
- on the south side of Ballwin Ave., east or west of Lindy to Chamberlin Dr.
- west of Lindy Blvd.: on the east side of Fairview Ct., south side of Hillcrest Blvd., south side of James Ct., east side of Lindy Blvd. south of Hillcrest Blvd., north side of St. Lawrence Dr., west side of solley Dr., north side of Roland Ave., north side of Evergreen Ct.
- on the north side of Ballwin Ave., east of Lindy Blvd. from Chamberlin to Sulphur Spring
- east of Lindy Blvd.: on the north side of Hillcrest Blvd., north side of Lakeside Dr., north side of Orchard Ave., north side of St. Lawrence Dr., north side of Roland Ave., west side of Chamberlin Dr., west side of Rosedale Terrace